歌词开始等待着每一次靠近 等着等着只剩灰心 等着我们再次理性 理智却堵着每一条小径 It\'s fine just kinda devastated inside It\'s fine just trying to end it sometime It\'s fine just wanted a place to hide Just the moonlight with no sunshine Always struggled with words coming out of my mouth They stabbed you to make me feel safe 原谅还是输给我的原样 隐藏的懦弱已无法假装 Do you still want me to stay Sorry I kept running away 等待着每一次靠近 等着等着只剩灰心 等着我们再次理性 理智却堵着每一条小径 It\'s fine just kinda devastated inside It\'s fine just trying to end it sometime It\'s fine just wanted a place to hide Just the moonlight with no sunshine Always struggled with words coming out of my mouth They stabbed you to make me feel safe 原谅还是输给我的原样 隐藏的懦弱已无法假装 Do you still want me to stay Don\'t know I kept running away Do you still want me to stay Sorry I kept running away Honestly so tired of running away Let me know if you want me to stay Don\'t let me go don\'t let me go Don\'t leave me alone歌词结束(劲爆音乐网)